Display Campaigns Are Useless in 2024

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Display Campaigns Are Useless in 2024


Display Campaigns Are Useless in 2024

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Remember those annoying banner ads that pop up while you’re browsing the web? Well, you’re not alone in thinking they’re frustrating. In fact, iOS 18 has a new feature that lets you Thanos snap them away like they never existed. It’s no surprise that these ads have lost their effectiveness over time.

Display campaigns were a big deal in the 2000s but have largely become one of the least effective tools in a Google Ads marketer’s arsenal. While they served their purpose when the internet and advertising landscape was still new and developing, the marketing landscape has shifted dramatically which has rendered these campaigns almost useless. Here’s why:

1. Display Ads Are Annoying

I haven’t met one person who likes looking at banner ads. They’re disruptive, intrusive, and often irrelevant to what you actually want as a consumer. This makes it easy for people to ignore or block entirely. Plus, with tools like ad blockers and iOS 18’s ability to completely remove them from your view, users are more empowered than ever to avoid these ads. It’s hard to generate any meaningful results when your audience is actively trying to avoid what you’re showing them. 

On top of that, too many ads can slow down your website, making it frustrating to navigate and a poor user experience. This can drive visitors away before they even have a chance to engage with your content.

2. Better Alternatives Exist

If you’re still using display campaigns, you’re behind the times. Why? Because Demand Gen and Video campaigns exist, and they offer way more bang for your buck.

  • Better Performance: Demand Gen and Video campaigns provide better ROI. They focus on more engaging formats that captivate your audience, rather than bombard them with static images.
  • Better Targeting: These modern campaign types let you zero in on your audience with precision. You can target by behaviors, interests, and even specific stages of the buying journey.
  • More Creative Control: With Video and Demand Gen campaigns, you have the freedom to create compelling stories and visuals that connect with your audience. Display campaigns? Sure, there’s been some improvement with HTML ads, but they’re so difficult to create and it leads to the same old static banner ad that’s been around forever.

3. It’s An Outdated Practice

Banner ads were a big deal back in the 2000s when the internet was still figuring itself out, and haven’t evolved much since their heyday. They were the go-to method for online advertising, but now they’re outdated. The internet has evolved, and so have users’ expectations. 

Not only are they less engaging, but people have also learned to tune them out. Banner blindness is real—most users don’t even notice these ads anymore because they’ve been conditioned to scroll past them. As a result, the effectiveness of display campaigns has plummeted over the years, with extremely low click-through rates compared to other types of ads.

Via NN Group

In today’s digital world, where dynamic, creative, and personalized content reigns supreme, banner ads feel like relics of a bygone era. If you’re still treating banner ads as a focus strategy, you’re missing out on more effective methods of reaching your audience.

4. Performance Max Covers It

Performance Max campaigns have pretty much taken over what display campaigns were supposed to do—only they do it way better. By lumping display ads into a broader, smarter campaign type, Performance Max uses machine learning to automatically decide where (or whether) your ads should show up for the best results. Why waste time setting up a dedicated display campaign when PMax already has you covered and delivers better outcomes?

Instead of spending time manually setting up a separate display campaign, PMax integrates display placements automatically, meaning your ads will still appear on the Google Display Network (GDN) if it’s likely to drive results. This takes the guesswork out of campaign management and ensures that your display ads are shown in the most effective places, without requiring a dedicated display strategy.

So, Do Display Campaigns Still Have a Place?

If you’re looking to blanket a potential customer with awareness and consideration tactics, then yes.

If you like driving conversions, no. There’s just no reason to run a dedicated display campaign when you have much better options available. They’re at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of performance and relevance. While they might grab some volume, focusing on them isn’t worth it. Demand Gen and Video campaigns offer better placements, more creative flexibility, and far superior performance.

What Should You Use Instead?

Well, I’ve made it pretty clear. Demand Gen and Video campaigns are the clear winners here. Demand Gen allows you to target people based on their interests and behaviors, catching them at the right time in their journey. Video campaigns, on the other hand, allow you to showcase engaging, interactive content that grabs attention on YouTube and holds it longer than a static banner ever could. These options offer more dynamic ways to connect with your audience and drive real results. Better yet, starting in Q2 2025, video ads for conversions will be combined into Demand Gen campaigns so you can focus on testing it there.

If you’re looking for the best results, it’s time to ditch those outdated banner ads and explore smarter, more effective options. Need help figuring out the best strategy for your business? Reach out today and let’s get you set up for success!

About the Author

John 1

John Vickery

Hey there, John here! I'm a PPC Account Lead at Digital Position who joined the team in 2023. Before joining DP, I worked as a Paid Search Coordinator, driving strategy for clients across the United States in the home service industry. I have a BSBA in Marketing & a minor in Psychology from Elon University. Outside work, you can find me perfecting my swing on the golf course, creating content on social media, or trying the latest Disney World attractions.

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